Friday, June 23, 2006
Writing, Writing, Writing
I've been around and able to post, but I've directed my writing to a new short-story I'm working on. It was kind of hubby's idea. We were talking about our dreams and what we would do if we could do whatever we wanted. I told him that, if all my needs were met, I would just write and write and write. Day in and day out, I would write to my heart's content.
"Why don't you," he says.
"Because there isn't any time, honey. No time. No time. Work, kids, kid-activities, cooking, laundry...all that."
"Honey, you blog, don't you?"
"So, you have enough time to do that...I'm just saying. We say, 'if only' all the time and pretty soon the 'if only' is ten years later. You know, we're not getting any younger and there's no time like right now."
Point taken. So, what did I do? I jotted down an outline for a story I've had brewing a bit and just started writing. It's been coming pretty freely and I'm actually quite happy with it...for now. The problem comes when I start proofreading and second guessing my ideas. I just need to write and keep going and then have him look it over. Also, I was digging around in my email and found a contest for a children's story that's currently running. My girlfriend has a husband who is an amazing artist and has illustrated for previous books. She told me that whenever I wrote a children's story, he'd do the artwork for me. Man, I guess my chances are staring me right in the face. I just need to embrace the opportunities. So, if I'm in and out sporadically, that's why. I've not dropped off the face of the Earth and I'm still reading and commenting on your blogs (of which I totally love and am devoted to).
The children's story is actually from the mind of a friend, whose childhood fear I realized into a story. Once I find it (yeah, it's somewhere on my desktop, dang it) and clean it up, I'm all about having my friend's hubby draw up pictures. I would ask my own hubby to do it (he's got mad art skills, too) but he's very bashful of them. My friend's old man is all about the drawing. I'm getting excited! Who knows what could happen.
Friday, June 16, 2006
"So, You're Growing up."
Over the past few weeks, the oldest has been coming to hubby and I with "the questions". We don't pull any punches and we don't beat around the bush with her. We've always been completely honest about bodies (without getting too graphic). I recognize that not all parents handle the "questions" in the same manner that we do and we've talked to her about appropriateness and tact; the world shouldn't have to endure all of her questions (said kindly, of course).
Unfortunately, she has sometimes forgotten that only the parents should be privy to the questions. Grandma (my mother-in-law) got a dose of them, while she was visiting us. She called my husband in sort of a panic about the words she was using. Well, my mother-in-law doesn't discuss sex, much less use any words to describe body parts. She's from a different era; you make lots of babies, you just don't discuss how it's done. She was mortified to hear my 5 year old asking about such things! My hubby was successful in calming her down and I reinterated to the babe that only mommy and daddy should be included in such discussions.
Yesterday, the teacher called. Oh, goodness. I felt so bad and she was so embarrassed! Before picking up either of my girls, I called hubby and told him we needed to talk to her about tact again, together. When we got home, we sat her down to talk and she immediately went into the, "I've done something bad" mode. Poor thing. I told her several times that she wasn't in trouble and that what she was asking about wasn't bad, but that she did need to limit the conversations with mom and dad, only. Phew! And I gotta do this again in five years? Oi, vey!
At first, I was so concerned that she was asking so early, but it really shouldn't surprise me. The television is littered with sexual innuendo and just out and out sex (especially if you watch Fox). I was probably seven when I first discovered what all the noise was about. Being one of the first kids on my street to get cable, the service came equiped with the Playboy channel. It wasn't long before the neighborhood kids were living at my house. As soon as my parents found out what was going on, they were livid, but made sure to keep it cool. After all, sex is not a bad thing...I just shouldn't have been showing soft porn to half the neighborhood.
Had I not made that discovery, I suppose my next exposure would have come from school and we all know what happens when you hear things from school. I didn't want my babe subjected to the fairy tales that are constructed on school play grounds. That's the stuff of nightmares, I gotta tell yah.
By the time I was ten, I needed a bra. Ten! Ugh! And, we're not talking the cutsie training bras with the bow. Oh, no. I was long past that. I went to the lingerie section with my mother and nearly passed out when we bypassed all the bras my friends were wearing and went straight for the "over the shoulder boulder holders". Being a preteen with super boobs was so not fun. With little girls developing younger and younger, I wonder if these questions are just one more indicator? I know being tiny doesn't really mean anything but, I really hope she doesn't have to endure the pre pubesent boost I got as a child. Stay a little kid for as long as you can, little babe.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Vexed by Blogger
I talked about my eventful weekend and all the fabulous things I did (I played with the baby while my oldest went to Lagoon with my sister - it was also hubby's birthday on Saturday). I also droned on and on about how moody and pissy I've been for the past week (hmmm...TOM on the way). Well, I can't remember everything I said, so I guess I'll go from what the brain has held onto since last night.
DALLAS! I was nine or ten when I started watching it for myself (way into the series before I really knew all their histories, since the show got its start in '78). I remember that it came on adjacent to Miami Vice, which was part of the reason why I watched it. The other was that my mother was obssessed! Hubby bought me the first and second season, probably a year ago, and I started watching. Initially, it was an episode here or there.
Now, I've completely lost my mind! These people (although ficitional) are absolutely fascinating to watch! I'm coming to understand why people were so enthralled in the 80's and why millions of people (worldwide) were tuning in to see what the Ewings were going to do next. In all of this, I've come to a decision: in this world of do everything fast...have it done, yesterday and quality is for losers, just get 'er done, I think that great t.v. writers have nearly disappeared. When we could once enjoy a movie or tv program because of it's great writing and intriguing story lines (without the need for flash and fan fare) now, we must be subjected to "reality" because it's quicker, cheaper and faster. It's really too bad.
Where did all the good trash go? Okay, yes. It was trashy, but well written trash. People can still think for themselves, you know. There are those of us who don't need all the hype in order to hold our attention. Don't rate a movie PG-13 just writers don't have to put forth any energy and rely on CG or gore or to grab the teeny-booper audience just so greedy movie moguls can pull in their millions. I do have a brain! I can reason things out! I don't have to be handed everything on a spoon! Give me some credit, please! Okay, okay. I will now step down off my soap box.
Last, but not least, my workout program. Stalled again, I'm afraid. It's just not happening with Indy getting up in the night. Hubby suggested that I work on the eating plan. Then, when Indy is sleeping through the night, go full charge on the workouts. I think that's best, right now. I'm just not getting enough rest and thought of plowing away on a treadmill after only three or four hours of sleep is depressing. Nutrition is 80% of it, so he says. I'm getting my portion sizes under control and I'm trying to get more water in. Good starts, I think. The water especially. That's the hardest for me to master (the easiest step for most). Working out? No problem. Sucking down 64 ounces of water in a day? Woo! Somebody pass me a pool!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Super Sperm!
Hah! How's that for a title. Got your attention, eh? There is a reason for the title (and not just for shock value, I promise). Hubby had his snip, snip operation back in January. After that time, he had to take in two samples to make sure all the boys were gone. Basically, here is the grade-school description of what happens: There are troops in the hold and millions are made and prepared daily. They wait until they are summoned into the line. There they wait until time for deployment. The "operation" shuts off service from the base, so there are still troops in the line. Those must be deployed before any waring can take place. (You with me so far?)
The doctor recommended two samples; one in March and one in May. Hubby took in his March sample and there were tace amounts. The doctor assured him that the second sample would most likely be clear. At the time of operation, though, he did say he'd check as many samples as he had to. So, hubby missed the May mark and went a few days ago. Um, they're still there. I told him he has super sperm or mutant sperm. They're like cockroaches...they just won't die! So, we're still friends with the Trojans (which we hate with a passion and that hate is a direct result of our two children). How funny/tragic would it be to give up the condoms for one night and get pregnant, after my husband's operation? Um, I'm not going to take any chances.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Omens, Recitals, Movies and Rain
Wow! A lot can happen in a few days.
On the oh, dreaded day (you know the one), I heard on the radio that their were women who were actually trying to "hold off" labor. Excuse me, last time I checked you couldn't suck in or hold in a baby. When I was in labor, all I wanted was the kid out! Babies come when they're gonna come. Good grief! Then, there was the couple in India (I believe) who felt that if they married on a day associated with bad luck, their marriage would only have good luck. Did we have that lesson of opposites on Sesame Street because I think I missed that episode. It's funny how worked up people get over superstitions. The only one that I tend to follow, if that's what you wanna call it, is the don't- put-your-purse-on-the-ground superstition. I don't have much, so I'm not taking any chances of loosing what I got. lol
Hubby is off the next three days and has put in his request at our local grocery store's video counter to "please hold Underworld:Evolution" for us. He has the hook-up with the lady at the counter. We're totally on a first name, I-know-pretty-much-everything-about-your-kids-and-your-recent-divorce basis. We watch the movie and are pleased, but not thrilled with it. We both loved the first one. For me, the first one had such imagination and creative writing, I was excited to hear they were doing a sequel. Alas, it falls into the category of most sequels: "Let's add more CG and action than was in the first one and spin a psuedo story of some sort (with remnants of the first movie) to support it." Hmm. Sorry, guys. You kinda came up short. Still, it was interesting and intriguing enough to keep me watching.
The babe had her dress rehearsal the same day at the city high school. They started, pretty much, on time and seemed really excited to be performing in their costumes for the first time. So cute! But, why oh why does this high school not have air-conditioning? What's that about? One of the mommies told me that they got an estimate and it would be too expensive to install. So, what did they do? Roll a big, portable swamp-cooler to one of the exit doors and turn it on low (loud would have drowned out the dancers' music). WTH? Okay,whatever. I decided then that coming to the recital naked just might have to be an option.
Early on the day of recital (6/7), hubby had to take the dancer to the dentist for sealants. Unfortunately, she's inherited my "groovy" teeth and needs the filler to prevent cavities. It sort of feels like someone putting nail polish or acrylic on your teeth. Then, they sand it down but it's still sort of bumpy and your tongue can't help but to rub over the areas over and over again. According to hubby, she was none to thrilled to have her mouth jammed open with a huge piece of metal and wads of cotton. Before they went, however, her daycare teacher told him, "Can you bring her back?" and the babe was like, "Yeah, daddy. Can I come back?" He was like, "Um...I guess so." So, cute. Who knew she'd do so well. I'm thrilled.
So evening comes, I get home and we head over to the high school (after a quick bath/shower, lube-up and make-up session) and yours truly forgets the entrance tickets. Nice. I was bound to forget something. I had to get the kid ready and made up, get the baby situated, remember the camcorder, remember the digital camera and remember all the stuff I needed for the baby bag. Hubby? Well, he had to go get the dance goddessette her flowers for the performance.
At the high school, I'm sweating buckets and the nice lady at the door (who sees me with the fully dressed, made up dancer) agrees that I must be a parent who had/has a ticket and lets me in. I begin calling hubby. No answer. Call again. No answer. "I know your ass is home, why aren't you answering, dammit!" Okay, this is my daughter's performance, but I'm losing my mind like I'm the one about to go on stage. She starts running around and I immediately make her go and sit with her group (they didn't have to, but she was making me crazy). Finally reach hubby and tell him to bring the tickets. Call my mom. "Call me when you get here, so I can give you your ticket to get in." I had hers in my wallet. I should have put all of them there, dammit!
It's 6:31 and I'm all ready to talk trash about the school being unorganized and getting started late, when the lights suddenly dim and the owner comes to the podium. Cool! It's actually starting on time! She introduces the dance teachers and they're pretty much all fit and gorgeous. I begin to get very jealous and wonder why I didn't stay in dance like I wanted to. The teachers leave and the spot light appears on a girl dressed very much like a big top leader (Tails, minus the top-hat). The music starts and the performance group appears. AMAZING! I had no idea there was so much talent at her school! The program is moving and never lets up for a moment. As soon as a group leaves, the next group is on with only a moment before the music is cued and more dancing begins.
My girl? Totally on her game, looking fabulous in her hot pink, feathers and sequins...showing off her athleticism and skills. The family behind us (probably only mildly aware that we can hear them); "Oh my God, do you see the little black girl? Isn't she the cutest! She's the best one up there." Uh...yeah. Tell me something I don't know? :-) At the end, she comes back to where we're sitting and I present her with a bouquet of flowers. She's so happy. We all go out to the lobby and take pictures of the superstar with her flowers. She's in full pose. What a ham I have.
Yesterday, I got home and hubby wants us all to go to the store. Home Depot. Man! What is it about home improvement stores that makes me want to run through the streets screaming? I really don't like them. I think it's the whole warehouse thing and the potential of large, sharp objects possibly plummeting down on your head. Or maybe it's the fact that I can't identify or even know what 70% of the items are located in these gigantic stores. Whatever it is, I was glad we weren't there long (seems the vacuum I picked up the other day, really isn't all that powerful). We head over to Wally World after and pick up a new vacuum and some other supplies. Then, off to the grocery store to find something for dinner. I picked up a turkey spinach wrap and have some Sun chips to go with it. Not bad, for a store made sandwich. I get the kids to bed and hubby's made me a cocktail to wind down. Ahh!
Today, we're getting some needed rain (needed in my opinion, at least). Those summer-like temps from a few days ago, had me feeling a bit parched. It's the nice kind of rain...big, full drops that come down hard and fast but not so cold outside that you need a coat. You can just enjoy the drops as they hit you. Too bad I can't be at home cuddled up in the window seat watching it. Hubby's home watching the X-files going in and out of sleep, rain a-poundin'. I'm so jealous.
Well, at least we're having our University, catered lunch. We recently heard what's on the menu. Hmmm. I'm planning on getting there early.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Sometimes, My Hubby Really Sets it Off!
So, hubby made good on his word and took the girls to the park. I went downstairs and walked my butt off on the treadmill for about thirty-five minutes. I always feel so good after my workouts. Afterwards, I took a good, long shower and came out all fresh and new to the garage door opening. Perfect timing! Hubby made dinner and cleaned the kitchen when we were done. What a guy! I was ready to pass out by 8:30pm, but he insisted that I walk him to the door. Well, it's the least I could do. ;-)
Before all this, I picked up my babe from summer camp. She was outside playing and came running up to me, happily (thank goodness). She emptied the sand from her sandals, while one of the teachers told me that she thought that she (my babe) had a good first day.
"It's funny," said the teacher. "She came running up to me when I got here and gave me a hug and she doesn't even know me."
"Well, she must have sensed something in you, " says I. "You know, children are so perceptive."
I truly believe this. So, the first day at camp was good. The babe grabs her backpack and shows me to her classroom, where there's artwork on the walls that the kids created earlier that day. She tells me that they sang songs about Jesus, colored, ate breakfast and lunch, played outside, etc.... She seems really tired, which was great. I totally didn't want her sitting around this summer being bored and it looks like I got my wish.
This morning, while brushing my teeth, the power blinked out. Nice. The babe starts hollering, "MOM!" Yeah, okay. I'm not an electrician, dear. There's nothing I can do. So, she brushes by flashlight. Thankfully, the sun was pretty much up when we were getting ready, so I opened the blinds to allow for more light to filter in. I call the power company to see what the deal is. Seems a car accident left us powerless and that we would not see power until 8:00am (it was 6:20 when I called). The big question; how do I get out of my garage without power? Hubby calls.
"Hey! Are you coming home because the power's out and I can't open the garage door by myself." (I know that sounds wimpy, but that joker is heavy as hell. Who knew!)
"Yeah. I'm coming home. Me and "O" are on our way home right now. He's gotta get something from me."
"Okay. I'll see you when you get here."
Crisis averted. He comes home and "poof" my garage door opens. It's nice to have a manly man around sometimes. I head out with the kids and roadblock. Roadblock? Could I have any more delays? I turn around and head back the way I came, make a turn and head in the direction I need to go. Finally, I drop off the babe and I'm headed for the highway. You know, there's a special kind of stupid on the highways at 7:00am. They need to stop opening the mental hospitals at that hour, lettin' all the crazies on the road. WTH?
Anyway, I get to work three minutes earlier than yesterday. Go figure!
Today, the kids are off to the park for a picnic. I hope they remember the water. It's supposed to be 95 here today. 95! Just two weeks ago, we were having record lows in the upper 50's. Crazy weather! At any rate, I hope they enjoy their picnic.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Field Day; It's Not Just for Kids
I took Friday off to be with my oldest for her field day. I was slotted for 12:00 to 12:35...not to run an actual event, but to take the kids out to the field and sort of babysit while they participated. My group of ten was too precious (including my own little chocolate morsel). They're first event? Sack races! The mom running the event succeeded in confusing the kids thoroughly, so then I came up with a different set of rules that had them hopping for joy. Between the two of us, we came up with ways to keep it interesting. Unfortunately, there's only so much hopping you can do in ten minutes. I wish they'd thought to include more activities or shorten the, it was nearly 90 degrees. Too damn hot!
Next, they had a popcicle station. The kids all got a chance to cool off under the trees and suck on their popcicles (most everyone picked green). Funny how none of them wanted to rest under the trees, but rather decided it would be much more fun to play with Indy's feet and touch her hands with their grubby little disease carriers. Man! I was all about the baby wipes when station three finally opened up.
Station three was "Jump the Creek" where you take two jump ropes and have the kids jump over. Then, you space out the ropes a bit more and have them do it again. This lasted all of three minutes, but the mommy who ran this station was creative. "Okay. Let's all play Duck, Duck, Goose!" Perfect! Seven minutes later, all the kids had had a turn and it was time for the fourth and final station.
Parachute play! Okay, whoever thought this would keep a 5 year old's attention needed to rethink because after only 30 seconds of this, the kids were bored. It consisted of grabbing onto a circular, multi-colored, nylon cloth with handles. The kids shook this while rubber chickens bounced around on top. Yeah. Lame. Can someone point me to the water balloons, please? Turns out, the older kids got to do more waterplay; balloons, water guns, silly slides. So, apparently if you're five you don't like water. I totally needed to be on the field day committee. I'll see about that next year.
After field day, I took my daughter by the place that is to be her summer camp (first day today). She was shy, which I anticipated, but anxious to do some fun activities this summer. When we got home, she was running a fever of 102, poor kid. I made her lie down and gave her a dose of children's motrin. She rested, drank juice, had her lunch and watched Matilda. It was so cute and she totally enjoyed it. The little girl in the story is supposed to be 6 1/2, so I could see she felt a sort of kinship with her. Thankfully, she didn't feel a kinship to her situation. That girl had it rough, but she did get her happily ever after.
The rest of the weekend was very pleasant, aside from sickly kids (Indy wasn't feeling so hot after all the vaccines she got). We washed cars on Saturday and went to the park yesterday. Hubby is trying to "plan" events in order to give the family more focused time together. It actually worked! Making arrangements and sticking to them, allowed his mind to focus (so he wouldn't drift off to sleep). He says that he wants to take the girls to a different park today...he and only the girls. Personal time for mom. Yahoo! I'm thinking I'll get a good workout in. The kind that will make me wanna pass out afterwards. I'm missing my workout time.
Tomorrow is the babe's dress rehearsal and dad has to take her (but I will definitely meet them there). He also has to take her to the dentist on Wednesday. I'm so happy he's getting so involved with the things I do all the time. It gives me a break, but also gives him more time with the kids. She's so excited about her recital and we have a few people coming outside of our immediate family. I hope she doesn't get stage fright. This is the first time she will be performing in front of a large group. I'm hoping she eats up all the attention and continues forward with performance studies. I suppose all will be revealed on Wednesday night (performance night). I wonder if Indy will be into dance like her big sister? I've been thinking about how her personality will manifest, once she's older; will she be an extrovert or an introvert? will she have lots of friends? will she adjust to change better than her sister? will she totally love music and animals or not care for them? It's an adventure everyday! Now, if I could just get her to sleep through the night again...
P.S. She tasted carrots this weekend and seemed to like them. She had a little trouble keeping the food in her mouth but, we had pretty good success, nonetheless.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Quick post
Hubby and his friend are trying to make a "play date", so to speak. They want to finish tiling our basement so that he (hubby) can go ahead an finish the trim. Then, we can move all of our living room down to the basement (family room). It'll be so nice if that happens. There's so much room down there! We cleaned it up nicely so, I'll try and take a few pictures. (I know, I always say that but I really will). :-)