Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nearing the End of My Training

I'm glad that's it's almost done, but I'm also very nervous. I don't have any idea how I'm going to sound to all the newbies I call tomorrow and next week. Will they be receptive to me? Will they feel confident having me guide them through their programs? Will they see through my facade and realize that I have no idea what I'm doing?

The babe is having her cousin over tomorrow night for a sleep over. This is after their school's yearly carnival. I'm sure I'll be over kids, but I did promise her she could do it. I'll be creative and find fun, healthy things for them to eat (since we already had pizza earlier this week). I am glad it's just her "girl" cousin. Having both of them here is tricky, especially since the "boy" cousin has lots of issues. Besides, he gets bored quickly, only having girls to talk to.

I renewed my car today. They said they'd take 30 minutes and that's exactly how long they took (for emissions and safety). Yeah! Love it when people follow-through on their promises.

We're going to my mother's for a BBQ on Sunday. Her reasoning is that, we have Monday off; better to grill out Sunday after church, then enjoy the day off. I love that reasoning and am sure she'll do the same for the fourth. If we have a new deck table, perhaps we'll host the 4th this year. Hubby sure loves his grill.

The diet is hard. It always is, the first three days. So, if I can get through tomorrow without gnawing off my arm, I'll be golden.


Icey said...

That is the exact reason E said he is going to BBQ on Sunday also...well minus the church part for him! already know you are going to rock it don't stop it! I will be praying and cheering for you!

Enchantress said...

Thanks, Icey! You're the best!