I'm a passionate 37 year old, African-American woman transplanted to Utah, since 1998. Married with two children, this blog chronicles a journey to and through my life.
An airy, forty-something water-bearer that marches to the beat of her own drum. I'm a wife, a mother of two and avid animal lover. I also love to travel and may one day make that part of my profession.
My eldest is going to get the "big head" (if she hasn't already). We were eating out Sunday and several people came up to tell her how beautiful she was. I've mentioned on here before that she is a striking child and people have done this her entire life. In fact, now she just sort of expects it. We get it where ever we go, no matter where we go.
If they're not telling her how beautiful she is, they're complimenting both my girls on their manners and how well they behave. Not complaining and I know lots of kids were hooligans, but have things really gotten that out of hand with child discipline? Some times I'm pleasantly surprised at how well some children act, while others need to have their parents taken out and beaten (Yes...I totally blame the parents). Still, I think most kids are pretty good. I guess I'm just always so shocked at how people react to my girls, in particular.
Back to my eldest. She was going on and on about how people are always talking about her hair (currently past her waist, but that'll change this weekend), her smile or her skin. She loves the attention, but when people actually come up to her, she's pretty humble and sweet about it all. I suppose that's good. Don't want her tooting her own horn, I guess;
"Yes! I know I'm fabulous. Love me! Adore me! Worship me!"
I think I'd melt away into nothing if she ever did that. My biggest concern for her is that she recognize her inner beauty. Her strength, her sensitivity and curiosity are what make up so much of who she is and I don't want her to lose sight of those attributes. We discuss it often and I remind her that her looks may some day fade, but her mind will be hers for the rest of her life. She should nurture it as much as possible.
Her sister seems to be more of the intellectual, if you can call a three year-old an intellectual. She'll be a big reader like her big sister I think, but I also feel like she'll be more focused on school and more concerned about it at a much earlier age. The Babe is just coming into this now, and she's almost been around a decade.
Life's sweet treats! Even better when you go an entire week without working. Oh, good times await (I hope).
This year, I've been asked to bake the Costco Caramel Cake for Thanksgiving. There are lots of reviews online from various people who've tried it. I hope it's as good as everyone says. It was my mother's idea for me to try it. Normally, I bake my rum cake or my apple crumble. This may turn out to be a staple for future pot-lucks, if it's as tasty as I think it will be.
We got snow yesterday! After leaving the theater (New Moon, for my oldest), the car was covered in the white stuff. The streets were a bit slushy, but I just took my time and drove the three minutes home. Little danger, thankfully. I did hear there were many accidents on the highway.
"Just keep the white stuff away until we don't have to drive in it, please."
Hubby was off today, so we had lunch together. Nothing special. Just lounging on the couch with our respective choices from the fridge. We giggled at "Living Sing.le" episodes on the tele and talked about the errands he has to run. This got me thinking about the other items I need to pick up for my girls and hubby for Christmas. It gets tricky when you always have a kid with you (and Santa is still a strong presence in our family). Dad may have to put in some babysitting time.
I found out recently that a divorce has occurred with the family down the street. We noticed we hadn't seen the dad's truck in a while. Then, hubby and I had our cable installed. Hubby asked the contractor if he knew our neighbor. "Oh, yeah. He moved to Wyoming." Wyoming? Turns out he got a job there and has pulled up stakes. The contractor said that he and his wife separated, but after hubby talked with the neighbor and the subject came up, the marriage is officially done. It's sad to hear, but I'm hoping that everything is for the best. They have two, very active boys and I really hope mom is able to take care of everything they have going on. They participate in every known sport. I hope she can carpool with the taxi duties.
I received such an outpouring of love and understanding during my bereavement. I guess it's certainly one way to know who really cares about you. Even my new manager gave me a hug. How sweet! We haven't even known each other a month, yet. I was touched.
I took the youngest (Indy) to see the princesses and wouldn't you know? Front seats, baby. She was so overwhelmed by everything, she didn't say much at first. Soon, princesses and all matter of characters were gliding past and waving to her. I'll have to remember the seat and row for the next time we go to this venue for a show. It was pricey, but certainly worth it. I didn't bring the camera because I had no idea where the seats were, but I brought the binoculars. Didn't need those at all!
My mother calls every few days with a count down to Thanksgiving. It's really cute. She's asked me to try a new recipe (an Apple cake) if I don't destroy it, I'll post the recipe here. She's just happy to have anything in an apple form. The Babe told me her cousin said that my sister-in-law is bringing a pecan pie. I can feel the pounds on my hips already.
Speaking of hips, I think the exercise is what truly brought me out of my funk. It's amazing what a few endorphins can do for your sense of well-being. I'm not pushing boulders up a hill or weight training until I pass out, but the time I spend on the elliptical has done worlds of good.
Hubby and I got into a little tift about time. I'm just glad we didn't get to arguing during our time away. We had a lovely weekend up in the mountains with no kids. Ended up at a club where the Deadliest Ca.tch Tour was taking place. Underground hip-hop at it's best. The music was pretty good, but we had more fun people watching. Hubby commented on all the cougars and how one was scoping him out. An Asian gentleman was looking at me like gravy on a plate and he was standing right next to my hubby! Nice. People just don't care anymore. It was still fun, regardless.
We talked about going back up, maybe with the kids, at a later time (when it's warmer). Twenty-nine degrees and snow was a bit much. Yikes! The weather around here turned sharply cold, but now is warming up again. Wonder if the almanac was right? Are we in for a rough winter?
My grandmother passed away Monday morning. I'm still mourning and missing her, but the ache isn't nearly as painful as it was earlier this week. I just keep reminding myself how long a life she had (she was 90) and how much she accomplished.
She took care of me and my sister for a while, when my dad moved us from California to Tennessee. We stayed with her for 7 months. I will forever be grateful to her for that. When my mother worked those crazy long hours at a job she hated, my grandmother was there. Chasing after me about keeping my grades up (I was out of school for a while) and giving me advice about this or that. I'd follow her around in her hair shop when she'd have the occasional client. I'd watch her bake and help her see about my great-grandmother. I'd sit up and watch t.v. movies with her or relax on her front porch on the swing. So many memories.
I suppose my favorite is when my girlfriends and I went to Daytona for spring break. We stayed with her to help with expenses. While we were there, she shared an article about herself from the paper. Because of her enormous and beautiful garden, she got a headline in the lifestyles section. It was amazing. All those beautiful flowers! I'll never forget them or her.
Yesterday, as I was watching Sanf.ord and Son, I saw this segment and it tickled me so much, I had to add it here. For a week that hasn't be so great, this brought quite a bit of sunshine:
This evening, I'm taking Indy to see the Princesses on Ice. It will be the first public arena I've been too in several days. I think I'm okay and I know it will make her oh, so happy. Going on with life and creating new memories, I'm sure that's what my grandmother would have wanted.
We hit 75 degrees, yesterday. Remember my "first day of snow" post on the last day of September? Amazing what can happen in one month. Our weather lady said, "You can wear your shorts today." We've had this unseasonable weather for the past few days, but I'm certainly not complaining. Hubby has used the opportunity to go ahead and put the Christmas lights on the roof (um, didn't he say he wasn't going to do a lot of lights this year? Yeah, he says it every year. I just don't even pay him any attention anymore when he says it) and get them ready for the day after Thanksgiving. That's when Christmas festivities start at our house, anyway. I do know of one person who has been listening to Christmas music since August. Sigh. What's nutty is that two of our "easy listening" stations, about two years ago, decided November 1 would be the day they'd start their "All Christmas music, all the time," campagins. I refuse to listen to those stations until after Thanksgiving as well.
We also spent part of the afternoon, yesterday, putting chicken wire around the bottom of our fence where, El Stupido (Hercules, my Chihuahua) has escaped a couple of times. "Why are you running away from free room and board, you dumb dog? Don't you know that's how you ended up at the animal shelter in the first place.?" (He was two pounds lighter than he is now, making him only two pounds when we adopted him). Right now, he's looking at me with that, "Play with me, please," expression he often has. Wow. What a little con-artist.
Hubby also purchased flower bulbs (Narcissus) to plant for next year, he'll be pulling up the rest of the solar lights from spring and filling in some areas in the back yard. So ambitious! I reminded him that these are his days off and he is allowed to enjoy them and relax a little bit. He never stops, that one.
My daughter has to read the scripture for our devotional on Sunday at the "special " afternoon service. That means, no 8:00 am service this week but we'll head down at 2:30 instead. I'm such an early bird that this will seem downright unnatural to me; however, I don't want to do multiple services and I don't want my kids missing out on their naps (Ugh! They are completely unbearable when they do). The multiple service issue is my own. Growing up with a father who pastored a church, I spent many a Sunday in services all day long. I don't have a problem with service, but two, three sometimes four in one day is too much for anyone.
My niece and nephew are coming over today. They are sleeping over and watching scary movies with the babe. It's great that they get to spend time together, but I am selfish. It seems we end up with them more then ours end up at their house. I know that their mother is basically a single-mom working all the time, just to keep a roof over their heads but it would be so nice if we had the luxury of a trusting care-giver for our kids, whenever we needed one. Yes. I am very selfish. I still can't help feeling like, "When do we get that opportunity?" I wish the babe's friends' parents weren't so flaky.
Speaking of the babe, she is getting so excited about New Mo.on. Hubby and I are trying to figure out how to find a babysitter for Indy, so that we can take the Babe (yeah...all of a sudden he wants to go, too. It went from, "Oh, I'll be fine watching it on video," to "How do you think we can take the Babe to see the movie?" He cracks me up).
Did you know that it's Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month? I was unaware until a few moments ago. I don't think I've ever posted about how much that disease scares me; more than cancer, heart disease and even a stroke. My memories are who I am. The people I know and love, the places I've been, the ideas I've dreamed about. I can't imagine having all of that slowly siphoned away. To wake up some days and know who my children are, and others not remembering their names. My feeling is, I can be doped on morphine or whatever for pain as long as I know who I am. I support research and donate whenever I can and I truly hope that no one in my family experiences this (or any other) wretched disease.
It will be a good day today, despite the sour note I sort of started on. I believe this to be true. It's been oh, so busy. October was nuts, but lots of fun. The girls participated in so many wonderful activities and I was happy to play taxi. It's truly about broadening their childhoods and building their memories. Indy will be going to see the princesses next week. She has no idea, but the babe is having a hard time holding her tongue. She's not jealous, thankfully. I did have to remind her, though, that I did all of these sorts of things with her when she was little. Now, it's Indy's turn. The babe got to see a Chor.us Line in September, after all and will hopefully get to see the stage version of A Christmas Sto.ry in December.
Hubby and I are getting away next week, too. He keeps talking about the "plans" he's made without talking about them. I have no idea what we're doing, but I hope it involves a hot tub. Woohoo! I think the last time we went away together overnight, just the two of us, was a few years ago. So sad that it only comes in spurts but it's hard finding care for our kids and they're at such different ages.
We went to Vegas and stayed at the Orleans. I believe Indy was just a toddler. The pictures show a lot of baby weight on me, so I don't believe she could have been that old. We were lucky my mother even agreed to care for both of them. I had no idea we were going. Hubby just told me what days to take off and that he was making arrangements for the kids. Early one morning, we dropped them off and headed out. I love car trips with him. We have the best time. You really don't know someone until you've spent hours and hours with him/her in a car.
We could have lived at the Orleans! Everything was there; food, entertainment and therapy (spas). We rode all the coasters at the top of the Stratosphere (Lord, never again!), walked the strip, visited In 'N Ou.t Burger as often as we could, and drank the sweet nectar of life (Mai Tai's are usually my choice, but I think I had more strawberry daiquiris than anything on this trip).
Since we only have one day, I won't get my hopes up for a repeat of our Vegas excursion, but I'll always have those memories (and those dreadful pictures of me screaming my head off on the Big Shot).
I'm looking forward to the holidays and all that comes with them. The girls have already mentioned baking and other mother-daughter bonding activities. I save all that for this time of year, since it's the time I usually use those vacation days I've saved up. I just hope I'll be able to again this year. With a new manager, you just never know.
Well, it's that time to dig in and work, work, work.
(Oh, and my nostalgia moment below. I loved Troop. When Hubby and I married years after they were popular, he told me he and his friends would choreograph dances, using their moves, for parties. Remember when people danced rather than just moved around aimlessly? I listened to the song below, along with My Heart, That's My Attitude, All I Do and I'm Not Souped over and over again.)