Monday, January 05, 2009

Welcome 2009

The holidays are over, but the memories live on. It started off great with 17 days off and no set plans. Woohoo! I was so spoiled...sleeping in till 8 sometimes 9 (hey, that's late for me), playing video games until my butt was numb, eating whatever the hell I wanted, playing with the girls, eating whatever the hell I wanted. It was great! Christmas eve, we opened our "one" gift. The girls got PJs and slippers which they quickly changed into. I received a DVD set and hubby opened his new, insulated gloves. We left Santa warped looking sugar cookies and cranapple juice with sprite zero.

The actual day was lovely. Hubby was home this year, which was an added bonus. He was happy with everything he got this year (what a change!). In fact, I had a homemade gift for him this year that he absolutely loved. He's still talking about it. I blew up a picture of the Great Salt Lake that I took this fall and had it framed. He must be in my head because one of his gifts to me was an incredible film Minolta camera. I gotta study up on that sucker and learn how to use it. I think I need another seventeen days off. (wink, wink)

The state is covered in snow and we are now experiencing blistering, cold temps. The high yesterday was eleven degrees. Yikes! Everything is frozen and going outside is just plain painful. I hope they keep the kids indoors today for recess. Supposedly, the temps will warm back up into the forties, but then we're going to get dumped with more snow. Yeesh. Forty would feel downright balmy today.

Oh, and Happy New Year ! Did you party hard or sleep a gentle slumber when the new year appeared? I brought in the new year in a different way than I expected. The family visited friends and had cocktails, while the kids played. We stayed about an hour and a half, then left for home (hubby had to work New Year's day). We came home, had a little bit to eat, shared sparkling grape juice with the girls and popped champagne cork-pops before putting the little ones to be. Straight to the kitchen, I mixed up lovely Tequila Sunrises (love 'em!) and went downstairs with hubby to begin our Soap marathon, or so I thought. Hubby decided to have his wicked way with me and the next thing I new, midnight had come and gone. No ball dropping and no "staged" midnight kiss. It was heaven!

By the by, that "eating whatever the hell I want" comes with a cost. How about fifteen extra pounds since the beginning of October. Ugh! I started eating what I need rather than what I want on Saturday and am down a pound. Let the work begin (at least I know what to do in order to get it off and get it off rather quickly).


Tasha said...

I'm glad you had a great holiday. Ours was really quiet this year. I had the flu on new years and I'm still out of work :-(.

Dee said...

your holidays sound awesome!
Yeah, sleeping in is the best and I enjoyed doing that over the break
still I don't have to get up very early because work isn't far

Enchantress said...

Tasha - Oh, sick again? Yikes! Wait! Did I miss that you were out of work? Oh, man. I'm so sorry (for your being out of work and for my forgetting if you said it). Thankfully, people put out lots of ads in early January. I'm hoping bigger and better for you, lady. :)

GC - Lucky girl. I remember being four minutes from work, once upon a time. Ah, those were the days. Dreaming big is my motto for the year. Perhaps I'll be a WFM mom full-time in 2009. It could happen!