Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Getting Well and Enjoying Change

I'm nearly done with my antibiotics. Already, life is good. The cough syrup at night allows me to sleep, while the antibiotics is killing all the bad stuff. I'm actually looking forward to working out again because, despite putting on weight this Christmas season, I never stopped working out. I was going all gang-busters until the illness hit me.

Hubby has a new work schedule; four, 12-hour work days followed by four days off. He's currently on his days off and it feels like he just had days off. Wow! I am liking this. :) He's also trying to conserve money so, when he is off, he keeps the youngest at home with him. She's definitely growing up a different child than her sister. She's experiencing exactly what I wanted for my oldest; more home time than daycare time. I'm glad older sis turned out okay, though.

I watched a bit of American I.dol last night. I haven't watched religiously for a couple of years and I don't think I'll ever watch like that again; however, I did want to get a gander at the new judge. On first impression, I think she's a mite conceited and self-absorbed. The focus should be on the contestants (at least that's what has happened when the other judges are involved), but with her? It's all, "Me!Me!Me!" She even took the opportunity to try and out-sing one of the contestants. Lame. It got annoying quickly, so I just tried to tune her out. There's still everything you expect from the show; over-the-top auditions, diamonds in the rough, awesome singers who've never been discovered until now and the really terrible singers who you know have friends that say, "Oh, you have a great voice, Bill. You really should stand out in the rain all night and try-out. They'll pick you for sure!"

Is it Friday yet? This week just seems to be dragging along for me. I met up with a guy in the elevator who felt the same way. He said it could be because it's the second, full-week we've spent back at work since the holidays. I guess...that still doesn't help it move any faster. I am looking forward to the long weekend, though. No plans...just looking forward to it.


Tasha said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! I know it must be nice having your hubby home more. I'm sure the youngest is enjoying all of her daddy time. Cute!

I watched American Idol tonight and I really don't know what to make of the new judge. She's just okay to me. I'm glad Paula seems to be on a more even keel now though...she really seemed cracked out for a while.

Icey said...

yaaaaay for feeling better!

I tried watching AI but I have to agree, thenew judge was annoying