Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend Statistics

The weekend got off to a great start. The girls and I enjoyed a quiet, snowy Saturday (the picture to the right is picturesque and visually similar to what we saw, but this is not in Utah). I attempted to shovel, but the snow fell as fast as I shoveled. Fun! When hubby came home, we ate too much and watched movies again. Sunday, I got the girls up (in plenty of time) got everyone dressed and headed out for church. Before hitting the very snowy, slushy, icy highway, I stopped at the post office and shipped my best friend's Christmas gift.

As I traveled the highway I thought after only a few minutes, I need to get off of here. I even called my mother to tell her that I may not make it. Well, first instincts weren't enough. I kept going, trying to make it to church. I got all the way into Salt Lake when, all of a sudden, I felt the wheel give and I went into a spin. The next thing I knew, we were careening across the highway. We slammed into the concrete guard wall and finally stopped. The babe was completely freaking out, while I (surprisingly) remained ultra calm. I called my mother to tell her what happened. Then, I called the police to notify them of the accident. Finally, I called the insurance company to report the crash. An hour later, highway patrol was guiding me off the highway to have me fill out a report. Hubby had arrived by then and I began to feel the stress of the event hit me and then leave almost as fast. Thank God for his ability to do that for me.

When we got home, he took good care of me. The girls seemed fine and, after breakfast, had a nice long nap. I wrapped a few Christmas gifts while they slept. The babe has become very inquisitive about our newly locked closet in the spare bedroom. She keeps wondering how gifts are magically coming out with me, all wrapped and ready for Christmas. I should tell her I have an elf living under the bed and see what she says to that!

So, I became one of the weekend stats.They talked about all the crashes that occurred, due to this weekend's big storm. There were approximately 221 in Salt Lake County alone. Dang it! Way to be a statistic!


Dee said...

oh, wow. I'm glad your family is okay. Is your car going to be alright also?

Miss Construed... said...

Not your new car?

No good to hear Enchantress; but at least you and the girls are fine.

(Hope you and your Family have a wonderful Christmas.)



Enchantress said...

GC - Me too! I saw a host of other accidents in far worse condition and with many more cars involved. I'm fortunate that I didn't hit anyone else or get us badly hurt. The car will be evaluated at the body shop today. Hopefully, it won't put me in the poor house.

Miss Construed - Yep. The new one. Oy! I'm am grateful for being here to even tell you guys about it. Thank you! I hope you and your boys have a safe, peaceful Christmas as well. Take care! :)

Icey said...

OMGoodness how did I miss this??! I am so thankful that you and the Babes are well!

Enchantress said...

Icey - Thank you so much for being concerned! We are well and I hope you and yours are, too!:)