Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hubby's Lookin' Good

My hubby is preparing for his next show. It's been about a year and a half since his last one and he is looking damn good. Just three weeks ago, he was approximately 190lbs. Today, he's 172lbs. Amazing! Of course, he's dropping weight to lean up for the show. Afterwards, he'll put some of it back on again. It's a good thing because he's planning on dropping another ten pounds and at that weight, he'll look like a little boy.

The most noticeable aspect of his weight loss is the definition in his abs. I feel like I could grate cheese on them. Awesome! He's really so wonderful at all of this. I wish he were able to do his training full-time without the need for his regular job. I keep hoping that, rather than us taking out business loans that put us in hock up to our ears, some wonderful benefactor will come, put his/her faith in my hubby, and invest in the future. Here's to dreaming that day will come!


Amber said...

'his next show' what sort of show is this? I wish I could lose 18 lbs in 3 weeks. I'm jealous.

Dee said...

walking talking cheese grater!
you made me laugh out loud

Enchantress said...

Hi, Amber: He's participating in a body-building show. Salt Lake hosts several of them throughout the year (as well as neighboring cities like Woods Cross, Sandy and Clearfield).

That's men for yah! They typically don't need to loose, but they can do it super fast! I think I would be evil if I had to loose that in 3 weeks (although I'd love how I would look). ;)

GC - Hehe!I'm glad it gave you a laugh. ;)

Icey said...

Good Hubby Luck!

Enchantress said...

Thanks, Icey!!