Thursday, February 21, 2008

Strange and Unusual

My hubby has been sick for the past few days. It's quite the oddity in the house to see him hacking and croaking. He never gets sick (except every few years). I feel really bad for him because I know it's hindering him from doing all that he wants. I basically took care of the entire household last night while he struggled to talk and breathe. It was a stressful day and a reminder of just how much he does around here. I hope he recuperates quickly.

I think the astronomical weirdness before the eclipse had an effect on people, and not a good one. I really feel like they all went extra stupid a couple of days ago and it culminated, yesterday. Perhaps I'm just jaded...but I can't help but think that the planets and satellites really do have an effect on the earth-folk. If the moon can pull the tides, what the heck is it doing to us 80% bags of water?!

I took my eldest to see the Spider.wick Chronicles last Friday. She was so excited because late last year, we read the books together (the books are wonderful, by the way). The movie? Not so wonderful. Oh, there are neat special effects and the acting is decent, but the heart of the stories is missing. There was a tenderness that never found it's way onto the big screen and it's definitely too bad. The babe's opinion? "It was good until the scary parts." She also commented on how different the movie was from the books. She was waiting for things just like I was. I haven't checked professional reviewers opinions yet (but will make sure I do).

Everything else is pretty normal. I didn't do anything special on V-day, but I did spend quality time with hubby. That's all I ever really want, anyway. He's got six weeks until his next show and he's down to almost no carbs. I hope that his sweet, pitiful, sickly disposition doesn't turn into a monster-man because of it. I know how I am when there's not enough sugar in my diet.


Dee said...

that lunar eclipse gave me bad kitchen karma. I burnt a pot and spoiled another dish. Terrible. I'm usually at least decent in the kitchen if not fabulous. But it (the eclipse)was pretty to look at.

anyway, hope your hubby feels better. something nagging is going around. I mean aside from the horrible nasty flu from hell.

Enchantress said...

Yeah! Say, what about that "nasty flu from hell"? Did you hear people are dying from it? It's so scary!