Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Romance/Big Heart/Valentine's Day

My holiday started last night when hubby got in the shower and I put my towel on the side of the bathtub to get in with him. I ususally finish first, so when it was time to get out, I grabbed my towel and out fell something sparkly. A lovely crystal, pendant necklace! I will wear it today with my V-day "look at me" dress.

Drying off, I hung up my towel and went into the bed room to put on pajamas (normally, I don't wear them, but it was freezing cold last night! Another snow storm. Will they ever end?!) Anyway, the pjs are under the pillow and, oops! Out fell a velveteen box. Amethyst earrings and matching necklace, anyone? Beautiful! Why give me these things last night? Well, some brilliant person in my office decided that our full staff meeting would be great to have today. So, I gotta stay late and I won't be home until after normal reservation hours for couples with kids. Ugh! He wanted to be sure I had something to brag about today. ;)

I got him a small, square basket filled with a variety. He's been having a helluva time with dry skin, so I got him extra special water-based lotion (that cost a pretty penny), a loofah sponge (for exfoliation of said dead/dry skin), 70% dark cocoa, gourmet chocolate, a french vanilla candle, a movie and an essential soul 2-disk collection of romantic tunes. Lastly, a book of poetry for the romantic in him. He was very happy.

My girls? The babe (who hasn't awakened yet) is getting a cute little red mailbox with hair accessories and Russel Stovers candies inside. I also got her a Hannah Mon.tana night gown. Her dad found the Meet My.ley disk for super cheap, somewhere, so she's getting that from him. It's all on the kitchen table waiting for her to discover. Indy has her very first heart-box of chocolate. Trust me, she'll be on cloud nine when she sees it (even though she doesn't get nearly what her sister has gotten). Two year-olds are so easy to please.

We were up last night, putting together the Valentine's day cards for her class room. She has hit the age where now she wants certain people to get certain things (i.e., her crush got the big Valentine's day card). Each card has a candy bracelet with it that the kids can sugar load on through the day. Even Indy is taking Sponge B.ob treats to daycare. Oh, the sugar...the love. If this isn't a commercial holiday, I don't know what is. Who, cares. Enjoy the chocolate!


Dee said...

thanks! I'll try to enjoy the chocolate--definitely will try.

I like your gifts a lot. They sound wonderful.

Enchantress said...

They were lovely! I received many a compliment. Now, it's time to walk off all that lovely chocolate.

Dee said...

I'm still working at the big heart shaped box. Ahhh.
I remember something you said once in a blog I have that is now defunct. I didn't believe you. You said love would appear when I least expected it. I never said this but I got angry when I read that because I was comforted by my pessimism. But you were right. And I'm glad. And so is he.

Enchantress said...

It's wonderful! I'm really happy for you (and he sounds like the winner of winners). Perhaps it won't be too long before you're sending out invitations and receiving all sorts of cool gifts. Hmm...I think very soon, indeed. ;)