Saturday, August 11, 2007

Trying it Again...and This Time...

I'm going to try and stick with it. The lummox is gone and I'm going to get off this extra weight I've put on during the summer (stress eating, no doubt). I want to get back on track with what I was doing and get my figure again. I hope that I can push through the dramas of life without loosing my momentum this time. It's difficult...managing work, the kids, house projects, transportation and all the rest while still trying to work on yourself.

Last night, I started watching the Sex and the City series television show again from the beginning (I have the entire series on DVD). I can't help thinking about the comment Bryan makes in that episode of Family Guy; "So, it's about three hookers and their mother?" Too, funny. But seriously, the show is great (despite their more than eagerness to jump into bed with anyone or anything) the writing is clever and funny. I'd like to make sure I'm all caught up before the movie is released.

1 comment:

Dee said...

something about that show always made me uncomfortable
it's the same reason I hate manhattan
not sure what it is