Monday, October 02, 2006

Professional Card Holder - Bodybuilder Extraordinaire!

And the winner hubby!! Oh, man. What a weekend! Hubby competed in his natural, bodybuilding competition and won that sucker. It was amazing! They had to open the categories because there were so few contestants. Normally, you have light-weight, middle-weight, Light-heavy weight and heavy weight but they were all grouped to gether (open) making the competition fierce. Now knowing what to look for, it was difficult to tell during the prejudging, who the ultimate winner would be. Everyone brought their A-game for sure. Physiques were impressive and their eyes were on the prize. Unlike his first show in 2000 where I knew he bested everyone in his group, this one was tough. Even the judges were unsure (and they usually know their winner during prejuding).

During the evening event, they had them pose even more in order to rank the contestants. Hooray for hubby! Now, he is considered a profesional bodybuilder and can compete on the national level. I'm so proud of him. I'm not sure if he will, but I'm encouraging him to try. Who knows where this could lead him.

The evening of, he was asked to an after-party hosted by several people who work-out at his gym. Do you know that he turned them down to hang-out with me? I was so touched, especially knowing how much planning these people had put into it and that he won (so it would naturally become his party). I was completely touched. I was also touched that, during his pose-down, the master of ceremonies read his information and stated that he (hubby) was dedicating this show to me. How sweet! I've got a good egg (well, most of the time - wink, wink).

The rest of the weekend was spent treating hubby to binges and fun food. The poor guy's been living on shredded wheat, oatmeal, tilapia with cayenne flakes and steamed broccoli and spinach for the last week and a half. He was very happy to have salt and sugar back in his life. He's totally inspired me to get back into it, not that I want to bodybuild, just be tone and fab again. Now, if I could just get those dang kids on a schedule where working out wasn't such drama, that would be nice.


Icey said...

Hey stranger!!!
Congrats to the Hubs!!

The solution I came up with b/c I lack time for exercise as well (which I hateloathdespise, exercise that is) is to take a room in my house and change it into an exercise room. That way exercising is more convenient and I have NO EXCUSES.

I intend on getting a treadmill, some more weights and a bench, heavy bag and one of those ball that you can do situps on, I alreadt have a jump rope, a TV/VCR/DVD will be mounted, etc.
All for about 1500-200o and that price includes equipment.

Again, no excuses

Enchantress said...

Hey there, lady! It's good to see you posting again.

Oh, man. I'm a step ahead. We do have an exercise room. It's equiped with a treadmill, eliptical, a yoga ball, weights and an inversion table. It even has the portable DVD player I won sitting on the window sill to combat boredom! Crazy, I know. It's right there and I'm not using it.

My issues seem to be the baby and the babe. The babe is way too overprotective of the baby, but not responsible enough to keep an eye on her for too long (twenty minutes seems to be the max). I gotta "zone" for 30 to 45 minutes, at least (to hit the fat-burning stage, you know). I really don't want to make any more excuses, so I may just have to "play pen" her in the work out room with me. She doesn't like being in there very long, but maybe she can hang until I'm done with my workout. I might try it tonight. Wish me luck!

Miss Construed... said...

'Chantress- what I wouldn't give to see a photo of your hubby's; you sound so proud of him!

Icey said...

Thankfully my babe will be five and with 30 minutes of Spongebob I will be good!!