Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What Happened? Life, I guess.

I could write to you about the millions of excuses I have for not writing. It's been about a week, now. The momentum is still there, I just have to put pen to paper (or typing to screen) and get going again. It would be different if I'd had a block or something but, alas. This is not the case. There is a lot happening that I will share, although, I can't use any of these activities as an excuse. No excuses! I gotta get back to it.

So, the last few weeks we've been dealing with technical drama. I could go into all of the logistics, but I don't want to bore the masses. At any rate, it's made working quite minimal (hence, lots of extra time to write, right?) Nope. Not so much. Just researching more on our impending vacation; what to do, where to go, how to get there. Truly, I could be doing this on my own time. Yeah, like that's gonna happen ! We have gone to the movies, twice! We discovered that our youngest really doesn't cry much so, we took her to the movies with the babe to see Ice Age 2. Not a peep! She mainly slobbered all over me and baby talked in my ear. With this discovery, we will be off to the movies again. Wow! That didn't take long at all. Oh, and she's sleeping through the night. Nice. I've been up at 4:30 a.m. again, walking the hell out of my treadmill. Woohoo! Now, if only the water retention would go away so I could see some weight loss, dang it!

On Sunday, we went to see Monster House. Oh, I highly recommend this one. It was a fun scary that had the babe hiding in her daddy's shirt, but too intrigued not to watch and wait for more suspense and scares. It reminded me a lot of the Frightneners, with Steven Spielberg's "child hero" theme tossed in well. I'm sure it will be available for video by Halloween. Hmm. That seems so far away but, then again, August is only a few days away.

My hubby/boyfriend has returned! He showed up with flowers and a date for lunch at the New Yorker, last week. How romantic! Then, Sunday, he came home and played a song that reminds him of me ("Fortunate" - Maxwell). We slow danced. Slow danced? I can't even remember the last time we did that. I'd say, years ago. It was so sweet and special. He used to be like this all the time, but not so much for a while. It's back and there are no complaints here.

I'm going to write. I will! I must! No more excuses. Pen to paper.


Icey said...

Awww that is so awesome! I am a horrible sucker for romance! I love it! I used to LVOE slow dancing with Former SO. Love the way his arms feel wrapped around me! *sigh

The Babe and I can't wait to see Barnyard. She would be to afraid to see Monster House! lol

Enchantress said...

We're supposed to go see that, too! I hope our girls like it. :-)

I think most kids in the age group that we have would have been terrified. I kept thinking, "Tweens would love this," but, my daughter's always had a taste for the scary. She has always liked the Harry Potter movies. (She saw the first one when she was two.) Oh, my nutty kid.