Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Logical Mind Drowning in the Creative Process

My story is clipping along and I still seem to be full of ideas. I had a thought yesterday; what genre does it fall into? I haven't a clue! It's sort of a drama without being too dramatic, I guess. I've really shifted gears with this story, as opposed to what I've written in the past but then, well actually, what I've written in the past has kind of fallen into all sorts of categories. For example, I remember writing a story, that was based on something that happened to me as a teenager, in my creative non-fiction class. It was definitely a drama and was well received. I even remember reading it aloud during a fundraising event. I was very proud of my little story and a few people told me after the event that it brought them to tears. Wow! I conjured emotion. It was an empowering experience to say the least.

In my fiction class, I wrote a story about a woman who (along with all of the other women in her family) had the ability to "sense". I suppose that would fall under science fiction or occult. And just yesterday, I stumbled upon a story I started working on last year (I think) that's definitely horror (it's actually damn good and I should work on it some more). It's rare that I feel that way about what I write, but sometimes I do. I'm not sure if I feel my current short-story is damn good, but I think it's definitely interesting. I kind of envision it being placed in a book with other short-stories. Perhaps a passage or two would be found on a graduate entry test and the question would be, "Summarize the passage above and identify the literary tools used" or maybe, a high school teacher would assign this book of short-stories, including mine, to her class and ask that they choose one to write a paper on. The student with the highest score would have written a paper on my story. Dreaming again, I know.

One thing is for sure; writing is going to get me somewhere. It already has, but not in the creative aspects that I wish for it to. My job definitely requires that I write and write well. I've also done a lot of technical writing (step-by-step stuff) that has ended up in manuals and instruction booklets which, consequently, as boosted my resume. On the off chance when I've written for something creatively, I've gained something even if it was small. I once submitted an entry about my husband for a popular male shaving cream that ended up in the running. I didn't win, but we were sent all sorts of product that hubby still uses. I remember submitting an entry for a popular fabric softner and won, not only some of the softner, but a blanket, and several freebies at Blockbuster. Then, there's the article I wrote and was paid for in college. Once the editor had done her deed, I barely recognized it but, I was a paid writer in print. Woohoo! It's just trying to get your foot in the professional door that's tricky. I know that, I expect it and I'm ready for it. I'm use to rejection, so I feel I've got a leg-up on that aspect. How's that for positive thinking! "Throw my manuscripts back at me a thousand times, I can take it! "

On a personal note, my kids seem to be feeling loads better, but my hubby is experiencing a very instense form of male P.M.S. I'm ready to put him out! He did, however, make a good point about something; why do we always self-sabotage when he does have the time to spend with the family, i.e. his days off? We usually end up spending at least one of his days off arguing or at odds with each other about something. I think it has to do with the fact that either he or I knows it's short-lived, which frustrates us, so then we're amped up and stressed about it so much that we can't enjoy the time that we actually have. It's a vicious cycle and we really need to find a way to put an end to it, truly. It's not healthy for either of us.

Currently, we're being painfully polite (when we do talk) and it's starting to get on my nerves! My other theory on the subject? It's been a little while since we've been intimate. He was truly bummed when he came home on Friday and Aunt Flow had made her appearance while he was out running errands. Of course, I have no way of "shutting things off" and he's not the only one who's frustrated. I didn't know I was going to be so early, but there it is. I've always felt like we're so much better when we get our sessions in during the week. We rarely argue and we're so much nicer in the grander scheme of things. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times; graveyard shift sucks AND it looks like he'll get it again in August. So, that would make a year and 8 months on graveyards (from 08/06 to 01/07). Ugh! That's enough to make anyone irritated and frustrated. At least I'm not downing the fruity-alchy drinks (although, that wouldn't be such a bad thing).

Finally, it appears we are going to go on vacation despite our brokeness (and guess what's scheduled to "show up" during that week). I just can't win for loosing. Anyway, we're going somewhere I've never been and I'm getting excited. Growing up in Southern California, Northern California almost seemed like an entirely different state. It will be a fun trip and I'm trying to convince hubby that the kids may enjoy the wine country, too. Hey, it's worth a shot. Anyway, more on the impending vacation later. Hope you're all well and enjoying your summer (and I'm really still reading everything that you post, even if it takes a few days. Honest!)


Icey said...

I am living vicariously through all of the people I know who are taking vacations this year. I can not afford a real vacation this year so you will have to give details so I can imagine! lol

Keep writing! I am so excited for you!

Miss Construed... said...

I really admire the way you have put your writing 'out there'- the way you aren't worried about rejection but think positively that soething will come out of it all- with an attitude like that it's bound to!

Good luck( with it all- as well as in the Hubby dept- I know what it's like to feel you are on Venus and him on Mars- totally relate to that one. My Hubby had a day off today; we spent it apart naturally- and then we fought about it when he got home drunk and two hundred dollars less off. Fighting sucks!