Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring is Roaring Like a Lion

We got several inches of snow on the first day of spring. It snowed and snowed and snowed. Then, at around 11ish, I took a look outside of my back window and could see the sidewalk around our "would be" porch. A couple of hours later, half of our yard was visible. By the end of the day, most of the snow (even the stuff that had been out there for a few days) had melted. They keep saying we'll have our 60 degree days again by Saturday, but I dunno. For the past few Sundays, we've gotten more than our share of the white stuff. Granted, it's the good kind of white stuff that melts quickly, but it's still more white stuff than I want in the middle (excuse me) latter part of March. Man, where did March go, anyway?

I need to walk on my treadmill. I need to do my toning tapes. I was shaking my fist in the air (I can't remember why, now. It was in excitement, not anger) and my forearm was jiggling. My forearm, dammit...ugh! What the heck is that about? Yeah, it's all about the weights...even if I'm just sitting on the bed talking to the baby or something. I can't take much more of this. Hubby's schedule is out of control and Indy is still so little and so needy, it's been hard finding the time. I'm proud of the fact that I am so motivated to get back at it because, Lord knows I could have cared less with my first rebound from pregnancy. This time, it's because I totally know what I'm missing.

Like sex (I know, TMI), when you're pregnant, your options become more and more limited the bigger you get. Then, when you get the green light from the doctor that everything is okay, your racing to get back to the "good" stuff cause you totally know what you were missing. It's very similar with my working out. True, I know how horrible it's going to be at first; the discomfort, the fighting with myself over whether or not I should work this day or that, the excuses, etc... but I know that when I get back to my groove, it will be so good! Things will start to tighten up, my mood will elevate, my energy will return and, who knows, I may even see some rendering of a waistline again. I'm really and truly ready. Hubby says tonight he'll watch the girls but then, what about dinner? I'm trying to make our meals every night again. It's so much healthier for everyone and we have leftovers for work meals and stuff. It was great last week and I don't want to loose my momentum. Ugh! It can't ever be easy, can it. Anything worthwhile never is, I guess.

As for everything else, Hubby still hasn't given me (or entered) his bank statements or his receipts. I've seen them, piling up into a huge mass on the kitchen counter but that's been the end result so far. He says he wants me to wake him one hour earlier tonight so that he can get the information in and we can start discussing a budget and how we want to consolidate. Meanwhile, I borrowed against my 403b to provide us with the cushioning they say you're suppose to have, in case of an emergency (something outside of the budget, but a definite need). The payments are totally reasonable and something I can handle myself after we consolidate everything else. It sounds like more debt, but it really isn't.

The babe went on her first field trip last week to a museum and her teacher told my brother-in-law that she did very well. I hope this continues because it's so hard grounding her all the time. I hope the "click" happens soon with her memory as well. I'll have to remember all of this when it's Indy's turn...five year olds can't remember a thing!

Now, what was I doing? Oh, work...work, that's right...work.

1 comment:

Icey said...

Snow in Spring...one of 1000 reasons I do not miss living in Ohio!

Exercise sucks but the results are amazing! Jump on it girl!

Keep shoveling away at that budget...I hate budgets but I see the difference in writign my bills down and seeing where my money is going