Thursday, March 23, 2006

Indy's Second Well-Baby Visit

(For workout info, see my other blog. I'm trying to keep up with both. We'll see how long it lasts)

Indy's second visit to the doc went well, until she got a really clear view of him. I don't know what happened but, one minute she was smiling and laughing it up, the next minute (I shifted her to my right arm, so the doctor could look directly at her), she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Poor, baby. She was crying so hard that her entire face went red and blotchy. She was really upset. Once he finished examining her, I gave her loves and tried to calm her down. It took a good 6 or 7 minutes before she nestled in my arms and gave me the "sweet" eyes.

The nurse returned with 4 shots...four! Two pokes in each leg later, my little one was screaming and weepy again. This time, it took very little to calm her. Strange, huh? Well, she quickly went to sleep and slept the entire ride home, then slept at home for about 45 minutes. When she woke, her little head was warm so, I got to play mommy-nurse and gave her her first dose of tylenol ever. She seemed to like the sweet flavor and gave me a smile. That was at five. By eight, I knew the meds had worn off 'cause she was fussy and was favoring her legs. Ugh! If I only I could take them for her. The nurse said she'd probably not be herself for the next couple of days, but after that, she should be fine.

Next visit? Yep. Four more shots. I think I'll send dad, next time. lol

1 comment:

Icey said...

Other blog??? I have been out of the loop for several weeks...

The babe's dad could not stand going to well baby visits because he could not stand her getting shots. He would have to walk out when the nurse came in with the tray. He was such a it was endearing!