Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Beware of (too much) Chocolate!

Yesterday, I did something that I don't really (thank, God) make a habit of doing; I ate chocolate all day. It started in the early morn, when I had a piece from my secret stash in my office drawer. Then, I went downstairs to talk to coworkers who had a huge candy dish full of caramel chocolates. I grabbed three of those and an all chocolate kit kat, as well as a mini snickers and brought them back to my desk. I snarfed them down within thirty seconds. Then, I remembered I brought some Nestle treasures for my candy dish. Now, my candy dish has always been a source of personal triumph. I keep it full of goodies and resist the temptation of eating from it daily. Well, not yesterday. Four treasures later, I was looking for more chocolate. Granted, TOM is here but, that's just ridiculous!

So, by the time I got home, I was really feeling down...majorly depressed, down. So down, my husband couldn't even lift my spirits. It wasn't until today that I realized what happened. It's terrible! I can't believe I gorged like that...and it's so bad for you (and not exactly good for the goal I've set of ten pounds by Easter). Thankfully, I learned my lesson. I will not do that again. It sent my sugar levels all over the place, hence the depression, and the constant sugar had me wanting more when I got home. My body was actually begging for it. Actually, it was begging for the "happy feeling" the sugar was giving me...the false, happy feeling I should say. Thankfully, I didn't indulge. It wasn't because I didn't want to, it was simply because there is no sugar like that in my house. I'm glad otherwise, it just would have made things even worse.

My daughter didn't have a stellar day at school yesterday either. A little time in the power chair and she was grounded for the evening. She was so upset, but I reminded her that the time she has at home to do what she likes is an incentive to remain "kosher" at school. Do the right thing there, and you keep your privileges. Mess up, and it's lock-down time for you. I reiterated the point again this morning, on our way to my sister-in-law's house. I hope she remembers today...I really hate punishing her, but I know it's necessary.

Today was much better. I had a good breakfast and went to lunch with friends for a girlfriend's birthday. I had Lo Mein with tofu and water to drink. I'm so glad that I saw the light and didn't go overboard like yesterday. It's still flooring me that I did that!

Tonight is dance night, so I'll pick up the girls, swing home to get the babe dressed, then it's back out for the lesson. The other mommies wouldn't really talk to me before. I think they were scared or something (yes, my child is the only one in the entire dance school). I really wonder what these women are thinking..."Will that black lady who brings her child to dance try to rob me while we're here?" or "Oh, look at how they wear their hair. They must live in Ogden," or "I wonder if they have some sort of scholarship program here...maybe that's how her child was able to dance." Who the heck knows, but I just got the whole we're-too-snooty vibe for the longest. Then, after I had the baby, dad had to take the babe to class and sometimes grandma. By the time I was back to taking her, they were talking to me like we were all old friends. What the heck? At any rate, I'm glad they don't appear to be scared anymore. In fact, a couple of the moms and I really get along well! Stereotypes, I gotta tell yah. What a hinderance they can be!

This is what I call my busy night because I really don't get an opportunity to sit down and take it easy until close to 7:00, but it's definitley a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Lord help me if she ever takes an interest in anything else. I'm thinking the tween, preteen and teen years will have us wishing we had extra jobs. Kids,

1 comment:

Dee said...

re secret stash
it's a lucky thing you don't do this often. I patronized someone's fund raiser yesterday and put the kitkat in my desk meaning to eat it next week if I needed a little boost. Next week came at 4:30. Oh well.

re snooty dance Moms.
Consider the reverse. If it was a white woman taking her kid to some mostly black activity you know at least half the the other Moms would be all over her asking her questions and trying to be all in her business, not knowing if she batters her man and litters on the highway. Why are some black people so damn friendly?