I had meeting after meeting today. After all this time in the job force, I still think meetings are a complete waste of time.
"I can't get the things done you want me to get done because I'm sitting here meeting with you about them. My god, can't you send me an email or something? Let me know via sm
The Freight Train Through February finally seems to be slowing down. I hope to have a grip on my life again my mid-March (yes, there's still stuff I'm not sharing...don't wanna jinx anything). My coworkers are stressed; one so much that I think she might leave, after only being here a few months. She's just not getting the support she should be getting from a separate, new employee. It's really too bad and, unfortunately, out of my control.
I'm sipping on my Alice White Lexia, reading blogs, writing in my own and contemplating my life. If this is the life of a real writer, I'll take it!
Well; if we aren't REAL writers then I don't know who is!
Self expressionism...
Quite an art form.
rn x
I hope you can see opportunities in your new situations!
Miss - Too true, Miss and well said. :)
GC - Oh, yes. Opportunities along with big changes. Again, February is totally my "month of change" this year. Who knew!
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