Monday, February 22, 2010

Can We Just Be Done with February, Please?

Sort of getting my wish, since this is the last week of the month. Wow! I can't believe it, but I'm glad. It's been nuts and looks to get even crazier. Last week, we had our biannual faculty meeting. Over 700 people now working for my company. I remember when there were only 40 of us. Crazy! During my tenure at the meetings, I came down with what I thought was a cold. Thursday, I croaked my hellos to out-of-towners I haven't seen in months. I even gave and received big, bear hugs (I love bear hugs).

By Thursday night, I was feeling wiped out and not good. Friday morning, I put on my game face (and enough make-up to hide the truth) and went back to the hotel to prepare for my trainings. I was to host three training sessions in a row...each forty-five minutes long. I apologized to each group for the frog taking up residence in my throat. I croaked out details of our department and was glad to have my boss and co-worker there to translate all my croaking. I stayed till 3:00pm,. then left for the doctor's. I just couldn't hang anymore.

Diagnosis? Bronchitis....again. Dang it! I don't ever get colds anymore, just this blasted bronchitis. So, I'm on the Z-pack (which is oddly making me nauseated, this time), codeine for the cough, an inhaler to clear my lungs and an oral. I worked part of the day, then took cough syrup and a nap for the second half. I'm supposed to go into the office tomorrow and Wednesday. I hope I'll feel well enough to make it in. Big things are happening this week (I think).

I've also been preparing myself for my new plan. I think I'll start on Wednesday (I've been detoxing and tomorrow is the last day of detox). Best to start with a clean slate, right? I wonder if the detox and antibiotics are at odds? I hadn't thought about it, till just now. Hubby has been so supportive and I'll need to do some "healthy shopping" this week to get going. I will be eating "clean" again and, as of right now, there ain't a whole lot of "clean" foods in my house. The process will take about 6 weeks.


Miss Construed... said...

Vegemite sandwiches...

Very Aussie; and hard to buy in the US but Every kid I know loves the taste. Me too!

Enchantress; hope the meds are working and you are feeling better; take care of yourself honey, get well soon.

rn x

Dee said...

feel better soon. . . and stay in good health!
all the best with your fitness plans
I need to get back to that myself

Icey said...

Vegemite? I have heard of it and I am sure I will be able to find it somewhere here in Houston! Thanks MC!

GC!!!!!!!! I am making my rounds! I will be over to your site to catch up soon...last I read you were preparing for marriage!!!

Enchantress said...

Icey - Does she like fruit? My girls love apples, so we keep plenty in the house. If there's a fruit she likes, keep lots around. Nuts are great snacks (and they're filling). Find flavored nuts for variety, maybe.

Miss - Oh! I've heard of them, but never had one. The first time I ever heard of it was from that song by the Police, "I said do you speaka my language and he just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich." Can you compare the taste to anything else? I'm so curious. :)

Thanks for the well wishes. I'm already starting to feel more like myself.

GC - Thanks bunches! I've already started and the part that's supposed to be easiest is more difficult than I thought it would be. Check out the "Enchantress" site, when you get a chance.