Monday, April 06, 2009

Spring Break, but not a break for me

The oldest is home on spring break and she's already driving me nutty. How is it that the oldest child doesn't assist in the care, but makes for more drama? She tries and tries to help, but it completely backfires. It's usually just a matter of her not thinking before she acts. We try to impress this upon her, but it doesn't seem to "stick". Wow, it makes my head spin to think the brilliance that would spill forth if she only thought before she acted.

No dance and no gymnastics this week, either. Both places acknowledge the school districts time off and take the same time off. Of course, that leaves her with no way to exert that extra energy. Too bad the dance competition is next week instead of this week. She wouldn't have to miss school. Anyway, I took them to the park at lunch time and will most likely do the same on Wednesday and Friday (assuming the weather holds out). Thank goodness my hubby will be home on Friday to help run interference with the munchkins. I love them, but my kids may get put out before the week is out.

P.S. We have our sectional in the house and all squared away. You'd never know the boys destroyed the door frame. It looks pretty much the same. Sweet!

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