Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How Things Change

I've been thinking a lot about the people I went to school with (college). Normally, this is not a subject of deep thought for me, but I wondered about a couple of people in particular. Yesterday, my hubby was on the phone with one of our class mates (his best friend) and mentioned the name of someone I hadn't thought about in years. We (the girl he mentioned and I) were strangers until I began my masters program. She and I found that we shared many classes together and soon became pretty friendly. I thought she was brilliant and funny, but lacking in the communication arena (that girl did not know how to call people back). Of course, that's when I relied on the phone for most communication outside of face-to-face. How far we've come!

We would run ideas past each other for papers, talk movies, books and music, and generally just hangout out. We pledged "rival" sororities, so we would give each other lots of crap (all in good fun). I remember her being very nervous about one of our professors who contracted Hepatitis. He later died and a general "unease" spread through the English department.

So, I googled her today and found out that she's an assistant professor teaching English. There were pictures and she pretty much looks the same (except for much shorter hair). The bio didn't go into her personal life; whether she was married, had kids, pets, her hobbies etc.... It's too bad too, cause I was very curious. I don't know if I'm brave enough to email her. I think, after her illustrious career, she won't know who in the heck I am. It was nice to see that she is doing well and I am happy for her.

This investigation led me to wonder a bit about high school folks, too. I'll be at my twenty years in just a breath's time. Will it be worth it to go to the reunion? I skimmed through old year books and found that I associated more with people in other classes than my own. My senior year was the year I really got to know my own classmates (three or four of whom were my "running" buddies). I discovered that many people stayed within the same area. Only a few have branched off or left entirely (I would be in the latter group, of course).

So thinking about all of this, what would I want to know? Would I really be interested or care? Would I remember who they were or would they remember me? So much has changed and we certainly aren't the people we were in 1993 (at least, I hope we're not). I suppose if they plan something, I'll see what my thoughts and feelings are then. I've got a little time to ponder it all.

We leave for the big dance competition this week (this couldn't come at a better time...I need a break!). The weather isn't looking too promising for here or down south. I was really hoping we would leave crappy weather behind. I suppose Vegas will be where we'll find the sun again, since were' planning an afternoon excursion there at some point. They're predicting snow tomorrow and Thursday. What happened to my pretty Easter weather? I really don't want to drive in the snow. I hope the forecast changes...


Dee said...

OH, and how was Vegas?

Enchantress said...

Ugh! The traffic was horrific! We even tried to plan it so we wouldn't hit the worst of it. That place is just way too crowded, now. I think that I would have been okay if we had actually stayed there. Then, we could just walk (which would have suited me fine).

Hubby and I got into it, after I lost him at the outlet stores. Then, I kept calling and realized he'd left his phone in the car. Thank goodness he found his brother and they used his phone to call and find me and the girls.

We stocked up on libations at the store, but the hair shop that I used was closed. I went to another one, but they charged entirely too much and didn't have what I needed. I guess you can see why I didn't spend time blogging about it. It was sort of depressing. Sigh.