Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Eyes Have it

Monday, I spent the day (or at least part of it) at one of the larger vision centers here specializing in Lasik. It was scan after scan after scan, a counseling session, an optometry visit, another scan and then a final consultation. They were incredibly thorough (I guess they have to be). Hubby said when he had his surgery, the center he used wasn't nearly so thorough. I suppose I should be grateful.

The verdict? It was recommended that I receive PRK rather than Lasik. I was completely frightened to hear this prospect. The healing time spooked me and I was totally convinced that I would just throw caution to the wind, wimp out and just do Lasik. I even told my regular optometrist that I was going to be a wienie and he could understand. Then, I started researching and thinking through things clearly. PRK would be the best and, although the healing time is longer, I would achieve the same results and, perhaps, prevent future troubles for my eyes.

So, I've been waiting to hear back from my counselor today to see if the date we've chosen will work. I've talked to my boss and informed him of the "down time" I may experience, and he is supportive. My mother is happy for me and wishes she had done it when she had the chance (she's over sixty now so the options for her aren't as pleasant, since her prescription is very high).

What else is happening? The babe has been asked, with her dance group, to perform at a high school program next Wednesday. This after I bragged on Tuesday that I only had one more competition to endure and then the recital. Now, I've got to play mom taxi an extra time. Oh, well. She's certainly having loads of fun and getting a lot of use out of her costume. For years we've shelled out money for these things, only to have her wear it once or twice in public and retire it to the "dress up" drawer. Yeesh! Those are expensive play-dress up clothes.

Hubby is taking a weekend to go back down to St. George for some sun and recreation. He's going to hike the red rocks and be an outdoors man. It will also give him time for thinking and pondering. I'll miss him while he's gone, but I'm happy that he'll have some time for himself. I think we both need it. The stresses of life are certainly taking their toll. If only we could send the kids on their own vacation.

The swin.e flu has us rethinking our vacation plans. We shelled out money for passports, just so we could travel outside of the country this year. Thank goodness they last a while. We've decided to stay inland. Who knows where this thing is going to go. We don't want to spend tons of money on a vacation, only to be told we can't go. June is nearly here and no one has a handle on what this virus is doing. It's just to risky.


Dee said...

sounds like time for a staycation--and all the best with your plans for surgery. I'm impressed with the team you have working with you. Measure twice. . .not to be creepy or anything but too many people rush into surgery as if they are kids that can bounce back quickly. So many people have had terrible complications with gastric by-pass and lap band surgery, or even just quick in-office procedures.
Good on you to take your time. . .

Enchantress said...

It's so true. There's a lady at my church who had her second bypass surgery a few years ago. She went from a 28 to a size 2, in what seemed like weeks. Now, she's horribly anemic and is suffering other health issues. You are wise beyond your years, GC. ;)

Dee said...

my Mom's former coworker never made it out of gastric bypass surgery:
she was 40-something, getting married for the first time and wanted to be thin for the wedding
I don't think she was necessarily being careless, and it was the late nineties before these procedures were really perfected but still, it was a deep loss for her family that didn't have to happen
I wish people would not do gastric bypass
I'm sorry to hear about that lady at your church--
it is sad to lose a part of yourself when nothing is wrong with it! No one would willingly cut off an arm unless they had a serious mental problem. Her life will never be the same.

Miss Construed... said...

Hi M

It's been a while; just checking in and saying hi...


Enchantress said...

Good to see you around again, Miss! I hope all is well and your kiddlings are doing okay.