Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mid-Thirties, Baby

Oh, what a terrific birthday! I had to work but, my sister picked up my eldest and came over to babysit both kids. Hubby and I took off and went to the movies. Check out Sherloc.k Holm.es if you haven't already. It was worth the watch for sure.

After the movie, we went to dinner and sat side-by-side at the restaurant(you can people watch and chat at the same time that way). I didn't gorge, but enjoyed myself. We headed over to DSW and hubby splurged on a pair of shoes for me. Woohoo! Their satin, multi-colored mules and they're divine. Next, he took me over to Ross and had me try on 5 pairs of jeans. We took two pair home; Nine West and Lee's.

We got home and found out the youngest was a little naughty and that sister dear disciplined a bit differently than I would have, but we got it all squared away. She'll be back this weekend to watch them over night. Dang! I could get used to this. Hubby and I told each other over and over again how much fun we had and how nice the evening was. He said he got a little flack from coworkers because he took a half-day vacation, but he said, "What better way to use vacation time than to spend it with my wife on her birthday?" What a guy.


Icey said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! For some reason I thought it was the 31st! So very happy to hear you and hubs had a wonderful time! I LOOOOOVE birthdays! Make it a wonderful awesome

Dee said...

coworkers are just jealous!
happy birthday.

and wow, wasn't that sherlock holmes so clever?

Miss Construed... said...

Sorry I missed your birthday M

Sounds like you had a great day with your hubby!

Love rn x