Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Lazy Days of Summer

Well, lazy for some, I guess. Hubby is home with the girls because today is a holiday. Oh, you didn't know it was a holiday? Of course you didn't, because it only exists in freaking Utah (Ugh!). I think it's sort of a dud holiday, but nearly everything around here closes up (including daycare). Hubby traded days with another coworker for something so, he ended up with today, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday off (lucky!). Yours truly, not only had to work today, but had to drive in as well (I was real happy about that, I gotta tell you).

We were lying in bed this morning, all cozy and warm. I passed on my workout to snuggle with him for another half hour (snoozing every 9 minutes or so). When 5:15 arrived, I cursed the clock and got up from our love embrace. That was the crap on my day. Work has been slow, slow, slow (lots of people on vacation and watching the parades...why parades? So pointless). They were planning to play and go swimming today. I want to go swimming! At least I work from home tomorrow and I can be around him (as long as he doesn't run a thousand errands).

In other news, yours truly has put on a few extra pounds from the vacation and it keeps creeping on. Some of it is water weight, true enough (I've been having a love affair with salt as of late), but the crazy thing? Everyone keeps telling me how great I look, which makes me wonder if I've picked up some muscle mass (the workouts have not stopped, even though food is my dear friend). I gotta get this extra baggage off before my best friend gets here in August...not because she'll talk about me (she wouldn't) but because we always pig out when we're together. we do active things, but food is a good friend of hers too.

I have a friend getting married tomorrow. I'm so happy for her, but she's very scared. She's invited me to her reception in town and it would be fun to go to. We'll see if I make it (I can even bring the kidlets...not sure I want to, though).

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