Friday, July 13, 2007

On Permahold

For those who do not exist in cubie-world, permahold is a term many of us use when we're on the phone for, what seems like, an unending amount of time. When this happens, we're usually listening to really bad Muzak or spending the time on hold talking to those around us (or updating our blogs).

My home projects are currently on permahold. For the past few nights, hubby has wanted to cuddle or rest (no complaints from me) but this deck situation will really need to change quick and in a hurry. The poor dog isn't too keen on going through the garage to "do his business." He'd much rather run out of the back door, then quickly come back in. With no steps out back, he'd plummet to near death if he attempted this now.

Hubby's friend comes back Saturday to help him complete the project, but that was under the condition that the flooring be completed. It's not done, yet and I don't think the "friend" wants to spend an entire day at our house again. I know I wouldn't.

Even with 200 pounds on his hefty frame, my brother-in-law is useless for this project; he simply just isn't in good enough shape (despite the basketball and football). The current task requires that he pull the boards as flush against the adjacent boards as possible (one at a time, of course), but he tires out entirely too quickly. If he didn't, hubby would have had this completed a few days ago. He's been waiting on me and, believe it or not, I've been available. By the time I get home, though, his song has changed:

"We'll just wait until tomorrow," or "It's too hot," or "We'll just rest tonight."

So, today, hubby is picking up the remaining wood for the railing and tonight (last chance) we'll get the flooring done. Tomorrow, I'll be journeying to a friend's wedding shower at a lake somewhere up one of our many canyons. I'm happy to be going to see her, but I feel like I'm ditching out on hubby a bit. The idea is that I start trying to do things on my own sometimes. It just so happens to coincide with a big home project. The saving grace for me is that I'll only be gone for the day, not the entire evening which would cut into help/bonding time.

GC asked about my hair, which has grown out a bit with lots of dark roots. I was planning on going a bit brighter in the blondes but have had a hell of a time finding the color I want in this cultural wasteland that is where I live. I called around and the places that carry the kind I want don't have the color I want. I think I will break down (today) and just order it online. It's nice that we have that option, to be sure. Back in the day, the store could order it for you and charge you a fee just for going to the trouble. Eliminate the middle man...that's the way to go. The color to the left is what I'm thinking...champagne blonde (Right now, I'm supposedly light golden blonde...but I think it's a myth).

Oh! A coworker of mine bought an iPhone. He says, "Yeah, it's $600, but it's not just a phone; it's a lifestyle." I don't think I'll ever have that lifestyle...not sure if I want it. But, the phone is really cool.

1 comment:

Dee said...

hey have fun at the shower.
maybe the timing just wasn't right to work on the flooring. Sometimes we delay stuff 'cause we're just not ready.

um, lifestyle? Vegetarianism is a lifestyle. A $600 piece of gadgetry that drops dead if it gets wet is not a lifestyle.