Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Girl's Weekend Away and Other Incidentals

The weekend away was nice, but not without some serious irritations. I'm a stickler for details and I really appreciate a well organized plan; however, I can "go with the flow" when the time calls for it. This was not one of those times.

We (the invitees) were sent instructions on where to meet(a grocery store parking lot) and at what time (10:00am) on Saturday. The plan would be to caravan to the designated location and then enjoy a day of surf (lake surf) and sun. Well, yours truly was at the designated place fifteen minutes before meeting time. I wanted to be sure I didn't get left. So, I waited...and waited...and waited. I wasn't sure who the hell to look for, much less what end of the parking lot I should have been on. I decided to call the organizers (their numbers were on the card, thankfully...would have been nice if they had called). Voicemail. I left a message with my name, number, car make and model as well as a bodily description. Nothing. At 10:45, I was hightly irritated and done waiting so I was leaving the lot when I got a call. She was already at the lake, but told me where to meet and I promptly turned the car around. The people to meet were in the store shopping and would be out soon to caravan to the lake. The lady who called finished talking to me and called them to tell them I was waiting.

By 11:15, they had finally made it out of the store (what the hell?!) and apologized for missing me and the organization not being so great (you think?). We piled into our cars, then headed for the entrance to the freeway and up the canyon. Unfortunately, I got trapped behind a Cruiser and couldn't change lanes because of a truck on my right and a blazer on my left. I couldn't see the purple Hyundai anymore. By the time I got around, they were gone. Um, do we not know how to caravan?

Highly irritated, I called the organizer back and asked her how to get to the location. I had pretty much had it with the whole "caravan" idea and my need for a girl's day was quickly dwindling. Up the canyon and around the bend till I reached a lodge parking lot (oh, the park required a $9 entry fee for each car. Thanks for letting me know!). Waiting in the lot, I seriously considered turning around again and heading home. The guest of honor arrived with another guest to "pick me up" and take me into the park. My comment to her?

"I must really love you."

The day was hot, but cooled quickly on the lake. We were all on floats tied to a cooler anchored to the bottom. My Jack (Jack Daniels) and coke was just what I needed to take the edge off. My pissy mood dissipated with every sip of my cocktail. I soon engaged in conversation with the other girls (none of whom I knew) and learned that my friend had a mirage of acquaintances. They were generally pleasant, some more rowdy (and drunk off their asses) than others. Later, we sat beach chairs around and ate our lunch. I decided that some of the girls would never be people I would pick as friends, while others were a lot like me. I wondered about my own friend's choices...if these were friends from the past that she just couldn't let go or did she still have a lot in common with them?

The remainder of my time was fairly pleasant, but by 5:00pm, I was ready to go home. Hubby had made arrangements for me to stay over(the second half of the plan; to caravan to her family's cabin), but I declined. Something told me that it probably wouldn't be very fun for me. The drive home was uneventful, but I was happy to see hubby (and my finished deck. Woohoo!) All that's left to do is stain that puppy, weather treat it and buy some deck furniture.

*Turns out the second-half of the plan was a total fiasco! Let's just say, a DUI was involved. Glad I went home.*

My brother-in-law is making me nuts! It was about this time two years ago that I was ready for him to go, too. He's just lying about everything and it's making me crazy! I had some Godiva (expensive) chocolates in my special (lingerie) drawer that hubby and I nibble on slowly through the year. It was a Christmas gift and I decided to break some out last night after Margaritas. Ugh! Every damn bar is gone. There were four left and I was just too put out. It wasn't even about the chocolate so much as that it was a total violation of mine and hubby's privacy (adult toys have been moved around, too. guess I'll be doing some sterilization soon). He was adamant that it wasn't him. Then who the hell was it? My girls have no idea it's in there and they're not smart enough to hide the evidence (wrappers). So trying not to sound too accusing, I insinuated that if he was bringing anyone into our house that they should not be in our room. I also reaffirmed that this stuff hadn't happened until he got there. I'm am so through with him!

Hubby's helping a friend sod his yard tonight and I don't want to deal with the big, fifteen year-old lummox. I think it might be a skating night...and I'll leave his ass at home.


Dee said...

so glad you missed out on the fun with officer friendly.

why is the big lummox staying at your house again? I think I missed that part.

Enchantress said...

Oh, it's the whole, "Go stay and visit your big brother for the summer, because you'll just sit around bored here at the house." I think he should have stayed at the house. He was actually supposed to come with another brother, but that one got a job. I can only imagine what things would be like with two of them here. Yeesh! August can't get her fast enough. (BTW, we didn't go skating and I was thinking of taking the oldest to see a movie. Hubby became available at the last minute, so we all just hung out at home. The lummox didn't leave last night as planned. Supposedly, he's leaving, I hope so.)

Miss Construed... said...

Stories like this make me glad my house is too small to accomodate the relatives for extended stays; still- I only live three minutes away from my Mother's house and if she doesn't drop in then she rings at least three times a time...

Give me the lummox anytime!

Shame he's going through your drawers, though. Nothing worse than a chocolate thief!
