Monday, November 06, 2006

Irritation of the Brain

Normally, hubby comes home on Sundays from working the night shift, dresses for church and makes the journey with us back to Salt Lake. Saturday, he announced that he would probably come home and go to sleep (suspecting that things would be rowdy due to its being a Saturday night and a full moon. Yes! The old wive's tale is true). Sunday morning arrives and I'm getting the girls ready and dressed. I also put a roast in the crock pot to cook during the day so that I wouldn't have to do much in the evening in terms of cooking. Dad comes in, disrobes and hops into bed. The girls and I go to Church and have a plesant, but pretty uneventful Sunday.

Around 9:15am, I'm back on the road heading home. We get home, the girls eat and then take a bit of a nap. I spent the day watching Northern Exposure episodes, falling in and out of sleep myself. Hubby wakes on his own, so I'm all chipper and ask him if he's ready to eat. "No," he says. He's craving something sweet, so he eats a bowl of sugary cereal. He seems annoyed and I'm not sure why. I ask him a couple of questions, trying to get him to talk. He grunts the answers, but doesn't really appear to want to talk. So, I ask him: "Do you want to talk to me today?" He grunts what I think is a, "No." Well, okay. I leave the room. I decide not to pout, so I go back and get the laundry that needs to be folded. I can see him still eating his cereal, now with the tv on.

Once the babe is up, she convinces him to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas with her and she continuously comes back to ask if I'll watch it, too. I explain that I'm folding clothes (but, I'm thinking that if dad doesn't want to talk, why should I be in there anyway)? By this time, the baby is also in the room with me and, not feeling very well, is extremely needy. The babe continues to ask but she never says he's the one asking her to ask me until the last time she comes back into my room. I let her know that there's plenty of time to watch it again before Christmas and she can watch it this time with him. She seems disappointed, but I don't see her again for a while. Once I've folded the clothes, the baby gets snotty so I have to get one of the nice tissues out of the living room. Hubby starts baby talking as soon as he sees her, "Oh, so she's okay to talk to but not me?" He explains that he said that he wanted to talk to me. Really? Wouldn't you have made more of an effort to talk to me besides sending your daughter back to ask me about a movie? Whatever.

By this point, my irritation is high and I just don't want to be bothered. We spend the next several hours barely speaking. The babe ends up getting in trouble and gets restricted to her room. Hubby spends the afternoon/evening sleeping even more on the couch (normally, five hours is plenty for him. Sunday, he gets seven hours and then sleeps most of the afternoon away. Amazing!). The roast never gets eaten and I end up going to bed early enough to avoid seeing hubby off for the evening. All in all, Sunday pretty much sucked. I hope it's not an indication of the week I'm going to have. It's a short week for me, seeing that the baby's daycare is closed on Friday for Veteran's day. I'll be working a half day from home and taking a half vacation day. I was really hoping for a good week. I hope all is not lost.

Meanwhile, hubby usually calls when he gets off work. Nothing. Not a peep. I suppose he still has mucho irriation on his side as well. I could blame it on the moon or the fact that I'm supposed to start tomorrow (TOM always brings out the best in people, doesn't it?) or that Mercury is currently in retrograde but, I won't. I'll just chalk it up to, two people who have been very unhappy with a work schedule that seems to put our relationship to the test, daily. Some days, we triumph and others...well, see the post above.


Icey said...

I used to HATE when SO worked the night shift! The first week he started I cried like a damn child when he left b/c I was so used to sleeping in his arms. So I understand not spending the time, that your relationship needs, with your husband.

Hope you have a great week!

Enchantress said...

Hey, Icey! Actually, it did get better so, it must have been your positive vibes. :) Thanks for sending them and for understanding.

Miss Construed... said...

Hey there Enchantress- Icey pretty much covered what I Was gonna say- just glad it's all turned sweet again!