Tuesday, January 22, 2008

PMS and the B's

It's really telling when your hubby can tell when you're about to have your visit from TOM/Aunt Flo. He asked me last night, "Is it almost your time?" and I informed him that it was due in about two weeks (PMS land). I thought all the B vitamins he has me taking would have me a little more balanced and a lot less bitchy. The bitchiness is still there (albeit not as bad) and my distance towards him is in full force (one of the other lovely side effects). As a woman, I would welcome any sort of magic/herb/medicine/pixie dust that would ward off these effects. I would especially welcome the ability to change them myself, if I could; however, most women are very much aware of the nature of their personalities when it's happening and have no way of controlling them. Today, it's a practice in control.

Yesterday, we got hit with yet another storm! This time, we got around a foot or more in the valleys. People aren't sure what to make of all this wet stuff. I say, enough is enough already. Can we just get some good old-fashioned rain for a change? I feel like I've been shoveling for weeks! Yes, it's great for the drought and the grass is going to love it for the spring and summer, but I can really say I'm done with snow. Unfortunately, we could get snow for several more weeks. Last year, we got a snow storm on April 18th. Granted, it was all melted by the next day, but still!

I'm working from home today because of it being a Quality Teaching day. Whenever I see that on the calendar, I think of the Simps.ons episode where there's a close up shot of Mrs. Crabapple talking to other teachers about Teacher Inservice Day and then the camera pans away to all the teachers drinking liquor and riding a roller coaster. I know that they're really preparing for report cards, but I do hope they get to have those days where they can "ride free".

I have a birthday approaching and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. It's one of those birthdays that's sort of in between (like eleven, fourteen, twenty-three). Your in the decade, but you're not at the beginning or near the mid point. I hope it's a good one. I went to dinner with the family last year (on my dime). Granted, it was a gift card I gave hubby, but it still seemed like I was paying for it. I have no idea what we're doing this year (if anything). I hope it involves seafood. Yum! I've been craving crab legs.


Dee said...

I had a long convo about this with someone last night.

I feel like I shouldn't be labeled regarding this behavior. Everyone gets irritable at times. I don't blow things out of proportion at this time of month so neither should some other people. I'm not crazy. I'm not unreasonable. If someone gets on my nerves at this time of month, they will hear about it. Other times of the month I put up with some unbelievable $h!t and show a heck of a lot of understanding.

I think fair is fair if I let sleeping dogs lie, don't call anyone any names, and simply speak rationally and reasonably about things that are bothering me. I may be a little distant, but I don't think that I should be biting my tongue 24/7. Nothing wrong with airing a grievance or two [yes, old stuff is off limits], or asking for some durned space.

Miss Construed... said...

I think I might get premenstrual depression; or PMD. I seem to be good the first two weeks after TOM and then up shit creek without a paddle for the next two. As soon as the flood gates are opened I'm back to normal wondering what the hell just happened or why or I felt that way.

Of course; it could also be just bad timing and hubby was just picking a shit fight with me on those particular weeks...

Don't know!

On another note; how many candles on your cake this year? Is it 33? Wait a few months until you are turty tree and a turd ( said with an Irish accent, of course!). I loved being 33!