Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm Still Here!!

I've been posting more on the other site, but I'm still around. What's going on with me? Well, I certainly haven't been writing on my blog (sarcastic snicker). Work has, unfortunately, become my life and I don't think I like that very much. If I could come down to part-time hours, I would be one happy lady. My lifestyle is not one that can be managed on a part-time income. I am at an impasse.

Yeesh! Has it really been since August of 2010 that I've posted? "Bad! Bad, Enchantress. How can you enchant the masses if you're not writing?" So, I will write. Alas, I have fallen victim to the Facebook epidemic like so many others. Although I don't say much, that is where I am. It's really not as fulfilling as writing here. I will be better about posting on both the Enchantress site and the New Dawn site in the future.

Since I'm still working and have to run to a call, I'll be back again. This time, I promise.


Icey said...
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Icey said...

Yaaaaaaaay! I am so glad you are back I have missed your musings! Pray that the Hubby and the girls are doing well also!