Current: Mostly Cloudy Wind: SE at 8 mph Humidity: 22% Thu Fri Sat Sun |
Wow! This is what we're preparing for. I plan to be hanging around the pool as much as possible, to avoid these crazy temperatures.We leave out tomorrow morning and my brother-in-law (not the lummox) is staying at our home to babysit the dogs. Despite it not being the lummox, I'm still nervous and I hope hubby is clear on the ground rules. I hated the violation I felt the last time we left a relative in our home. My girls, thankfully, are staying with their aunt and cousins so, they won't get bored and they'll probably not even miss us.
Hubby's motive is to travel to a professional bodybuilding show as a spectator and possibly gain some sponsorship. I hope that he can network and gain what he needs while we're away. I also hope he doesn't forget about me. So often, a business/pleasure trip can tilt too far in one direction. I can just imagine taking the car and returning hours later to him not even realizing I had left in the first place. He could get that involved with the people he's talking to.
August is nearly here! Were the heck did the summer go? I'm not complaining at all (the sooner my eldest gets back into the classroom the better). I am getting anxious now about our vacation plans, since not everything is in place yet. We've got to get on that. Perhaps hubby and I can make an appointment for ourselves, so that we can get all of that taken care of next week.
Also, the Babe's birthday is coming up. I've created her invites and have in mind what the girls will be doing. I've even made arrangements for her sister, so that Indy doesn't cramp her style while they're trying to be all "preteeny". The cake just needs to be ordered, the gift bags put together and the pajamas purchased (It's an "All Day All Night Pajama Party"). I'm even on the lookout for cute jammers.
So, here's to my Thursday/Friday and having a weekend with hubby. I'll be crossing my fingers that I don't melt from the heat and hubby remembers that I'm there.